About Sole Success

Sole Success is an informational platform to provide concepts, ideas, and tools to help Sole Proprietors achieve higher success levels without morphing into an entrepreneur's business model.

Most of Sole Success's tools are available in a quick and easy manner because, after all, most small business owners wear way too many hats to spend countless hours entertaining challenging ideas.

In Stephen Covey’s masterpiece, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he taught that everyone prioritizes their time in four different quadrants. The most essential of the four quadrants to prioritize is the "important but not urgent quadrant." All of the tools that Sole Successes offers fit in this category. The tools we offer are:

The tool that Sole Successes offers fit in this category

The tools we offer are:

The Sole Proprietor’s Handbook: you'll find strategies proven to increase your sales and profits while staying hands-on in your business.

Over 60,000! That’s how many books are listed on Amazon under “Entrepreneur Books”. When you search “Sole Proprietor Books” guess how many you will find – a little over 200 and most of these are not even related to Sole Proprietorship. It’s almost as though the world doesn’t see a difference between business owners who are looking to scale a business through delegation and/or acquisition and business owners who are not trying to be the next Walmart in their industry. Who just want to run a small, successful business that they can stay hands on in.

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